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Make It Toys Browser Cookie Setting Instructions

Why set cookies?

Your browser must support cookies and have this option enabled to log in to Make It Toys www.makeittoys.com.

How to enable the Cookie function?

Internet Explorer 7.x:

I. Click Tools, then Internet Options;

II. Click the Privacy tab;

III. Select the setting to accept all Cookies (that is, pull the lever icon on the left to the bottom);

IV. Finally, please click "OK" to complete the setting.

Internet Explorer 6.x:

I. Click Tools, then Internet Options;

II. Click the Privacy tab;

III. Select the setting to accept all Cookies (that is, pull the lever icon on the left to the bottom);

IV. Finally, please click "OK" to complete the setting.

Internet Explorer 5.x:

I. Click Tools, then Internet Options;

II. Click the Security tab;

III. Click the "Internet" area;

IV. Select a level other than High Security. Or click Customize levels, scroll to Cookies, and select Enable for both cookie options;

V. Finally, please click "OK" to complete the setting.

Internet Explorer 4.x:

I. Click View, then Internet Options;

II. Click the Advanced index tab;

III. Scroll to [Security];

IV. Under Cookies, click Always Accept Cookies.

Other browsers:

Check whether your browser supports the cookie function, and for detailed instructions on how to activate the function, please refer to your browser's instructions.

If your browser does not support cookies, you can upgrade to a newer version of the browser, such as Internet Explorer 11 or Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome or other browsers.

Browser cookie settings instructions last updated on April 28, 2024